Starting from:


"Drop-In" Group Coaching for Leaders

Get immediate access to our weekly virtual Group Coaching Calls! 


We've priced this to be accessible for leaders and business owners everywhere. 

  • Fast-paced 30-minute check-ins
  • Outsider content on "Leader Blocking & Tackling"
  • Peer coaching
  • Action items
  • 12p Eastern Time every Friday (except holiday weekends)

We meet over Zoom, and everyone has cameras on!


NOTE: We are committed to an optimal group experience:

  • We are always “cameras on” (We kindly ask you to do the same.)*
  • No external AI scribes (Otter.AI, Avoma, etc.)
  • We reserve the right to remove anyone at any time.
    • If a participant is removed from the group, the subscription will be immediately terminated and a refund will be given for that month

*"Camera on" is a requirement to participate in any given session. Things come up, so we'll sometimes make exceptions - at our sole discretion.

If you have been to at least 4 sessions and need to be "camera off” for a specific session, please reach out to our team at least 24 hours before to request an exception. Please ensure you have your picture and name on your Zoom profile. Otherwise, we kindly ask you to wait until the next call.